Russia has won. Gramsci’s time of monsters for the West

Finally, establishment voices in the West/anglosphere are starting to repeat the points on Ukraine that I have been citing from retired intelligence officials.

NATO has been fighting like they have fought for 400 years, sending in some high-tech weaponry and expecting the natives to give up or run away. They have also failed to subsume the profit motive to military necessity, continuing to send in over-engineered wunderwaffen (originally gunships, nom HIMARS, etc.) in weak numbers and poor logistics. The Ukro puppet state stages pointless, nazi-inspired strikes using expensive NATO tech on Russian civilians every time they need to keep the narrative off the latest Russian victory. The US Republicans are either putting on political theatre of denying funding to Ukraine because they know Ukraine lacks the manpower to win, or they are legitimately demanding a stop to the flood of illegals the dems are bringing in to guarantee the latter will dominate elections long-term.

Russia, on the other hand, has a holistic civilization of culture, art, science, philosophy, and economics built around the imperative of winning near-peer industrial warfare. Taking territory is one tool among many to reach the ultimate goal of impaling the enemy to do your will, it is a misleading measure of military success. Attrition is the name of the game. It’s much less trackable, but the signs are clearly leaking out. War is won at the operational level; vassilations at the tactical and strategic levels are details. The key is logistics – production/scalability, supply, and easy maintenance of equipment, particularly artillery including MLRS, which accounts for 70% of enemy losses, with FPV drones on the rise, but not supplanting the former. Of course, the main issue is troop replenishment – no matter how much money and hi-tech weapons NATO throws at Ukraine, they are already facing an intractable manpower crisis. Commentators are starting to note that Russia has already won.

NATO and its allies are supremacists. To them, their narrative about who they are and the values they ostensibly represent are exceptional and exceptionally deserving of security at all cost, particularly the cost of those they cast as their adversaries. This narrative of being the banner carrier of human progress, inherently superior in values, morality, institutions, and thereby power and wealth is on the cusp of facing a serious challenge on the plains of Little Russia. It is a narrative that sets the criteria then congratulates itself for best fulfilling them and coerces the world into remaking itself in its image, to cataclysmic loss in cultural and mimetic diversity. The reality relies on relative wealth and sound institutions, which contribute somewhat to self-perpetuation but are ultimately predicated on the accumulation of wealth and power through colonial and neocolonial means. This is on the wane, no matter the neo-colonial techniques they employ. Their economy has gone the way of all historical ones dominated by commercial/financial elites and become largely one of paper, lacking the real material production and scalability to win a near-peer war. GDP means little when it mostly describes rent, insurance, and financial instruments.

Those whom this narrative serves are in decline, a bit of a Thucydides trap. The policies that made Cold War liberalism enticing are being stripped away by the day while across the west the democratic process and journalistic standards are i descending ever more into obscene pastiche. Yet many still pine to be part of the glitz and glamour. For the West, all the world’s a stage, the master of ceremonies is the ghost of Jimmy Saville, and Epstein’s is the executive producer. In an honest world, the ideology of the Angloid bloc would be called Savillism-Epsteinism. Those being sold in the open-air slave markets of post-liberal-intervention Libya or the thousands of children trafficked west from Ukraine would surely agree. Yet many even beyond the golden billion still worship this golden calf. This is satanism. an egomaniacal desire for the crumbs from the high table repackaged as progressive values. Practically every institutional form of divisive, egomaniacal hate emanates from the Anglo elites, Eastern European nazi revivalists, the Kosovo mafia state, the Takfiri hordes, and the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Gaza. The Jews need security assurance but how is killing 10,000 dead children morally okay? I digress, if division and hate are coming to a neighbourhood near you, cast your gaze to London and its compradors. They have become decadent, unwilling to really establish a war economy, and lacking the imagination to solve their mounting problems they are hoping AI will do it for them.

Stalin’s only mistake was that he didn’t go far enough, the Gulag is too good for these sycophants. The time for the neo-colonized to shake off their mental slavery and imagine a future of their own is imminent. If there is future human progress, it will be defined by non-occidental-supremacist countries with young demographics, good STEM education, and energy security. Iran maybe? That’ll scare some people.

I have long felt that if one’s point of departure is that anything the English-speaking establishment has said over the last 250 years at least is lies and hypocrisy, one will have a huge epidemiological advantage. Shall we name this position Anglo-skepticism? The war in Ukraine has proven that rigidly placing shareholder interests uber alles is a recipe for failure, particularly in military procurement. Some would say that all successful economies in history are mixed economies. As someone who believes that nationalism and the nation-state are key aspects of Western satanism (i.e., self-worship, along with the worship of human reason and technology), I believe that strength lies in diversity, in a diversity of alternatives, The Iranian, the Cuban, the Chinese, Burkina’s, what have you. I’d probably say I’m a Tolstoyan Castroist or something, but don’t believe one size fits all. Multipolarity seems to be coming, and what that will entail, especially given the rise of ‘surveillance capitalism,’ AI, automation, and biotechnology remains to be seen. But I do believe that the evil of pure egomaniacal bougie social-climber envy that built the East India companies and all the satanic institutions and culture they spawned, is unique in history; whatever comes next will not adhere to ‘universal’ (my ass) liberal values, but must be an improvement.